About Elly McGuire

An adoptee and survivor of a difficult childhood, Elly McGuire got married in her senior year of college, taught little kids for a year, and then ran away from home. Living on her sailboat in the Bahamas with her (then) husband, she met fellow sailor and 70’s TV celebrity, Dan Rowan. Along with his girlfriend, J.R. they sail together to his home in Florida and were invited to be their terra firma guests. Months later, electing not to sail to foreign ports with Dan and J.R., Elly returned to New England for a J-O-B (and a d-i-v-o-r-c-e.) Entering the corporate world, first in radio and then for the NBA and NHL teams in Washington, D.C., Elly excelled for almost a decade before leaving because of her diminishing tolerance of a sexually abusive sports and work culture.

Running away again, this time to L.A., Elly traveled the world as a sidekick and spoon player to her award-winning piano playing fiance, Ron, garnering accolades entertaining on the five-star Crystal Harmony cruise ship. Back on dry land, after creating and hosting three TV pilots that were “close but no cigars,” Elly eventually moved to New York City. A serendipitous East Coast encounter landed Elly and Ron on a private yacht in Greece for one week, that turned into two, with former President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush, and then at their summer estate in Kennebunkport. The aftermath of that adventure resulted in a new passion for Elly – writing.

Inspired by her Yorkshire terrier, Schmitty, Elly wrote Schmitty The Weather Dog: Daydream. Accompanied by the real live Schmitty The Weather Dog, Elly and Ron went on the road performing the Schmitty The Weather Dog Science Sing-Along Show at hundreds of elementary schools across the country. Rave reviews by teachers, parents, and kids prompted plans for a children’s TV show. And then along came COVID.

In 2016, Elly returned to her childhood home to care for her aging mother. At the same desk where she wrote her junior high school science papers, Elly began writing her memoir, Shaking The Bushes. Seven years and one pandemic later, she finished. Elly is currently hosting her weekly podcast of the same name, from the library she hung out at as a kid.